Friday, November 24, 2006

Dim Sum Time

Those are some of the dim sum which we tried over the weekends. Making your way to DIM SUM,,by clicking one of the below....there you go......

Click Here: Dim Sum For You
Click Here: Dim Sum In Hong Kong
Click Here: Hong Kong Dim Sum
Click Here: Amoy Dim Sum

Monday, November 20, 2006

Health Begins With You 健康由你做主

To many people, Cancer is synonymous to a death sentence. In 2003, cancer constituted 25.9% of all deaths, overtaking heart diseases as the No.1 killer. The facts may be startling and even depressing to many of us, but what most people are unaware, is that cancer is mostly preventable. Also, the good news is, if detected early, most cancers can be treated.

Experts have suggested that the following food should be taken with caution as they may cause cancer or contain cancer-causing substances:

Fatty meat and other high-fat foods
Saturated fats, commonly found in whole milk, red meat and dairy products, palm and coconut oils.
Smoked and processed meat, eg. ham, sausages. Smoked food absorbs tars during the burning process. In turn, tars contain cancer-causing carcinogens.
Barbecued and deep fried food because they contain chemicals called Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) that increase cancer risk.
Salted food eg. salted vegetables, salted fish

Instead, consume more of the following:

Cruciferous vegetables eg. chye sim, cauliflower, kai lan and broccoli may reduce the risk of colon cancer because they contain substances called isothiocyanates.
Oily or fatty fish eg. salmon, mackerel. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Soya products because they lower the levels of the female hormone estrone which are linked to breast cancer.
Garlic which contains allyl sulfides. These limit the production of harmful enzymes in the body that can activate cancer-causing chemicals.

Garlic which contains allyl sulfides. These limit the production of harmful enzymes in the body that can activate cancer-causing chemicals.
Tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps to neutralise free radicals that damage a cell's genetic composition.
Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries and raisins contain antioxidant chemicals which destroy free radicals in the blood that promote cancer.

The Deadly Puff
The harmfulness of smoking can never be over-emphasized. Besides causing about 35% of all cancer deaths in Singapore, it also contributes to the risk of developing most cancers. Cigarette smoke consists of many carcinogens which damages the body's DNA and cause normal cells to change into deadly tumours.
Keep an Eye
Remember, there is no cure like early detection. Be extra vigilant and see a doctor if you observe any of these symptoms. They may not necessarily be cancer symptoms, but it would be safer to have a doctor check them out early.

Colorectal - Change in bowel habits, especially when constipation alternates with diarrhoea. Black stool or bleeding.

Breast - Lump or any kin change in the breast, discharge from the nipple, itch and rash on the nipple.

Lung - Chronic coughs, shortness of breath, chest pain, blood in sputum and tiredness.

Nose or pharynx - Stuffy nose, blood in sputum, blocked ear and ringing sound, blurred vision, lump in the neck and difficulty in swallowing.

Stomach - Feeling of fullness after eating only a little, persistent indigestion, heartburn after meals, loss of appetite, dull pain in abdomen, blood in faeces and vomiting blood.

Womb,cervix, uterine - Irregular bleeding, abnormal discharge and bleeding after sex. For post-menopausal women, any such bleeding is a cause for concern.

Ovarian - Bloated feeling in the abdomen, back or leg ache, abnormal vaginal bleeding, changing in bowel habits and difficulty in urinating.

Prostate - Difficulty in passing urine, weakness or swelling of legs, lump in the prostate gland and back pain.

Source: The Straits Times 31/05/2004

Friday, November 17, 2006

Li Bai's Poetrys 李白的名诗

Chinese Poet Thinking Under the Moonnight
Most Popular Poem by the Most Famous

Tang Dynasty Poetry
The River Journey From White King City
By Li Bai
At dawn I left the walled city of White King,
Towering among the many-coloured clouds,
And came downstream in a day,
One thousand li to Jiang-Ling,
The screams of monkeys on either bank,
Had scarcely ceased echoing in my ear,
When my skiff had left behind it ten thousand ranges of hills.


Li Bai
Night Thoughts
I wake and moonbeams play around my bed
Glittering like hoarfroast to my wondering eyes
Upwards the glorious moon I raise my head
Then lay me down and thoughts of home arise
Tr by: H.A. Giles

Thoughts in a Tranquil NightAthwart the bed I watch the moonbeams cast a trail So Bright, so cold, so frail, That for a space it gleams Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams. I raise my head, -- The splendid moon I see: The droop my head, And to dreams of thee -- My Fatherland, of thee!
Tr by: L. Cranmer-Byng
A Tranquil Night
Before my bed a frost of light
Is it hoarfrost upon the ground Eyes raised,
I see the moon so bright
Head bent, in homesickness I'm drowned
Tr by: Xu Yuanzhang
Ye Si
Chuang qian ming yue guang
Yi Shi di shang shuang
Ju tou wang ming yue
Di tou si gu xiang

Click for recitation
Pin Yin representation
Li Bai (701-762) was born in Suiye in Central Asia. His ancestors had been banished there by the Sui rulers. At five he moved to Sichuan with his father, who was probably a rich merchant. When young, he studied not only Confucian classics, but works of other schools.
After 20 he first travelled for and wide in Sichuan, and then he started a long journey to Central, East and North China. He did not sit for the civil service examination, for he looked down upon it. But he wished to become an official.
When he was 42, he was recommended to Tang Xuan Zong , who ordered him to go to Chang'an. He stayed there for three years and was bitterly disappointed. During the years of An Lushan's rebellion, he joined the staff of Prince Li Lin. Later, because Li Lin tried to seize power and failed, Li Bai was exiled to Yelang. On his way to Yelang he was freed by an amnesty. He went to East China and died at 62 in Dangtu, Anhui.
Brief Biography of Li Bai


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

As Free As A Dolphin

Hi... my whole day todae is spent on amending the MYOB accounts. Althou its quite messy, but it would be a very satisfied feeling when everything turns out GOOD!

How i wish i could live or swim as freely as a DOLPHIN... "BIG HEAD KID" hahaha 'da tou zai' la...
I am

Work Late To Clear Some Accounts

Hi...for the past 2 weeks, i had not been feeling well, cos due to my flu and throat, lots of phlegm.
I stayed till about 6.30pm to amend/clear some of the accounts. Who knows when i submit the amendments to my boss, he said,,How come you are still around, never mind, you go back first, we get back to this tomorrow or some other days, morever i am doing some other works now..... OK lor, Bye Boss....

Friday, November 10, 2006

Forever Teresa Teng 永远的邓丽君

Beside is My Beloved and Myself's Idol, TERESA TENG, 11 years and 6 months ago, she left us.

The tragedy happened in Chiengmai, when she suddenly had an asthma attack.

Though there are many new singers, who tried to imitate her, BUT till today My Beloved and I still feel that no one in this world can imitate her, especially her sweet face and beautiful voice.!

Click Here: TERESA'S qIANyIANwANyU Rules!