Monday, July 21, 2008

Chiffon Cakes & Muffins

Multi Midi Chiffon Cakes done on 19Jul08, they are 3 of our favourites. I had to weigh out the total ingredients and had it divided into 3 parts in order to have 3 flavours, alot of work to do & alot of time spent too. But its worth, because the chiffons cakes 都很可爱 and they turn out very satisfactory, the texture is very soft, 很好吃. Can you guess which flavour was finished first?

Cute cute Muffins done one week earlier & they are also some new creations of mine. Can you tell how many different patterns are there....
***Oh...wheres the BAKED muffins? Cooled and were either snatched & eaten or packed and given out...very fast lor....forgot to take pictures 啦。。。

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Birthday Feast & All Mini_s

迷你油条,可爱吗?这是NaNa 的提议,他说外面卖的多数都是长长的,肥肥的油条,不然我们做些迷你油条。我说ok 咯,因为我觉得迷你形的刚好配合NaNa... cute cute 的。我们的迷你油条质地跟老大油条一样的香脆可口。刚好老公买了rojak 回来,我们就把迷你油条加在里头,好好吃咯。

这是我跟NaNa 一起做的迷你彩色绿豆糕。Sherell 看到我们这么忙,也很好奇的问:“你们在做什么哈?” 从冰箱拿出来,冷冷软软的,口感也是QQ 的。


这两道西餐鸡扒和烘烤鸡腿是我生日那天,我们在Downtown East 的一间新开的西餐馆吃的,冰淇淋是餐馆特别请NaNa 吃的。因为人太多,我们不好意思,就只拍了这三样食物。

Thursday, July 03, 2008

新尝试 (2) - 27June2008

这是我的新尝试第二系列。金山白玉牌很柔软,味道很可口。哇,烤培烘卷更不得了,两个宝贝看到了hotdogs, 眼睛已大大了,加上bacon, 口水已流到满地了。最后一道是中西合璧,西式的火腿炒中式的法兰豆,加上了鸡肉脆。"妈咪,最近我们的晚餐都是新的佳肴哦!" Rules!